During the holidays, I participated in my second chess competition. I made some new friends there named Joshua and Juliana. When I first arrived at the competition, I did a warm-up game with Joshua, who wasn’t my friend yet. I managed to checkmate him by capturing all his pieces. That was before the main competition started.
We were then divided into groups. I was in the 7-9 age group, and there was also a 9-17 age group.
In our training sessions, we learned about skewers, forks, pins, castling, and how the pieces move. I already knew some of these, like connecting rooks and discovered attacks. We learned what check and checkmate are: a checkmate is when the king has no safe moves, even if it tries to block or capture the attacking piece.
After the training, we played some friendly games. I beat Joshua in three consecutive games. He was pretty good at chess, but I was thrilled with my victories. We became friends after that, and he started calling me “Apple” for A and himself “Jackfruit” for J. Together, we were the “Apple and Jackfruit friends.”
Later, we switched groups and learned how to checkmate with a rook, which I already knew. Our coach, John, was a Grandmaster on chess.com.
Finally, the competition began. My first opponent was Jesse, whom I checkmated. My second opponent was a beginner girl whom I also checkmated. Then I beat Juliana, another friend of mine. Next, I played against a Chinese girl who defeated me. I then faced Koroleva, whom I liked because she was pretty, and I checkmated her. My last opponent was my friend Joshua, who lost because of three illegal moves.
In the end, Juliana won the bronze medal after losing to me, Alvaro Budiman. I won the silver medal, having lost to the Chinese girl. The gold medal went to the Chinese girl, who drew with Jesse. For the older kids, Lucas got 3rd place, black hair (sorry, didn’t catch his name) got 2nd, and Jack got 1st place.

I started this when i was 7 yrs old good right